Hi-Tech Etudes Volume Two - grade 5+ (for Solo Piano) by Dominic Irving
Book (Moonhouse Music)
Book (Moonhouse Music)
Book (Moonhouse Music)
Hi-Tech Etudes Volume Two (solo piano) by Dominic Irving is the second volume in an inspiring and imaginative collection of pieces that reference technology or modern life along with some musical humour at times!
The pieces in volume two vary in difficulty but are aimed at grades 5+ as they form a more challenging collection than volume one as some pieces require a high level of technical ability and the capability to play at quick tempi . Useful tips have been written to help students achieve the best outcome and creativity and imagination can often be fully explored. Contents:
Totes Emosh
Hip Hop Hyperdrive
Virtual Tonality
Dead Battery Blues
T T Tango
The Beauty of the Silver Sky
The Crystal Lake at the Bottom of the Garden
Turn Off Your Phone!
Tickled by Cosmic Radiation
This is What the Future Sounds Like
Whispers from Another World
Original Mono Mix
This Cereal Tastes Funny
Jazzbots on the Loose
Confirm Your Humanity
Hi-Tech Etudes makes a great addition to lesson fun and for all ages.
A digital (instant download PDF) edition is also available here